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Franklin Adhesives & Polymers Announces Price Increase on Water-Based Adhesives


(Columbus, Ohio, April 29, 2011) Franklin Adhesives & Polymers, a division of Franklin International, has announced a price increase of $.02 to $.05 per wet pound on all of its water-based adhesives, effective June 1, 2011. The price increase is in response to an escalation in the cost of key raw materials used in the manufacture of these adhesive products.


“Our primary objective is to continue providing superior-quality adhesives to our customers,” said Jaye Schroeder, vice president, wood market development, North America, for Franklin Adhesives & Polymers. “We are extremely sensitive to the impact of cost on our customers. However, we have made the tough decision to implement a price increase to offset substantial hikes in the costs of raw materials to maintain our ability to produce the same quality of products our customers have come to expect.”


Franklin Adhesives & Polymers manufactures adhesives for the domestic and global wood furniture, millwork and engineered-lamination markets and provides pressure sensitive adhesives for office products and food packaging. The division supplies product and local service in more than 60 countries on six continents across the globe and operates a plant in Guangzhou, China to serve the Pacific Rim.


More information on Franklin Adhesives & Polymers is available online, www.franklinadhesivesandpolymers.com, via e-mail, marketing@franklininternational.com or by phone, 800.877.4583. 
